C’est autre chose que la pomme, hein!
Oktober: Zeit der Weinlese: Das ist doch mal was anderes, als der Apfel, was!
Quelle: Historia 10/2007
Restaurantfachmann, Dipl.-Betriebswirt (FH) und Journalist - und immer schon Geniesser. Feinschmeckender Vielfrass, viel essender Feinschmecker. Immer auf der Suche nach Genuss und Genüssen, Destinationen, Kulturen, Charakteren und Geschichten. Reisejournalist, Reiseblogger, Foodjournalist, Foodblogger. Götz A. Primke did a complete hotel business apprenticeship in a 5 star hotel in Berlin and completed his university years at the university of applied sciences in Munich with a degree as Diplom-Betriebswirt in tourism economics. Following some years as editor in a german renowned hotel business magazine he started to work as freelance journalist, travel journalist, travel blogger, food journalist and food blogger. His articles are published in german newspapers, magazines, web-sites and on his own platform Le Gourmand http://www.legourmand.de/ . He writes about travel, destinations, hotels, restaurants, food & beverages, cooking, gourmandise cuisine and everything that tastes good.